Thursday, April 28, 2011

One week to LSSC11 -- Register now!

We are only one week away from the LSSC11 Conference.
This is the place to go to to get up to speed on Lean and Kanban.

Register now and see you there :-)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

SFBALWS invited speaker Siddharta Govindaraj

The May meetup of the San Francisco Bay Area Limited WIP Society is having Siddharta Govindaraj as invited speaker.

Topic: Using Class of Service for Managing Risk in Innovative New Product Development
Date: May 12
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Thoughtworks
                  315 Montgomery San Francisco, CA

Make sure to RSVP indicating your name and affiliation. Security will be given a list to grant access to the building. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Improving People and Processes

Improving People and Processes: Lean-Agile, Systems Thinking, and the System of Profound Knowledge

Organizations deal with pressure on a daily basis. Executive and managerial pressure frequently comes in the form of on-time delivery, cost cuts, and scope coverage; customer pressure usually comes in the form of feature requests and better quality; employee pressure continually asks for more time to finish tasks, fewer work hours, and better guidance.
Some organizations consider those kinds of pressures to be part of the daily corporate life and end up just bearing with them. Most of those organizations eventually collapse because lack of improvement puts them further behind over time. Other organizations take a proactive approach to better the organization. Some of those actions could be localized to focusing on ailing areas or could be of global scope and higher impact, such as replacing the organization's governance standard or model or adopting one if the organization didn't come with it already. Or it might mean replacing entire teams or migrating entire operations to other countries. In the accompanying Executive Report, I present, in detail, a better means to improve your organization through the improvement of people and processes, taking into account excellence, quality, and value through the application of lean-agile thinking, systems thinking, and the system of profound knowledge (SOPK).

The term "improving the whole" is not an if-you-only-have-a-hammer approach but rather the acknowledgement that we can acquire a way of thinking that broadens our perspective to look at our organization, processes, and people. It allows us to understand the kind of tools we need to continually better them.

Analytical thinking focuses on knowledge of the parts, properties, and behaviors of an object. Systems thinking focuses on the understanding of the properties and behaviors of an object, its parts, and the system under which it operates. This means that analytical thinking takes us levels inward with respect to the object, whereas systems thinking takes us levels outward with respect to the object because explanations always lie outside and not inside the system being studied. Systems thinking is very effective in solving even very difficult challenges and problems because the understanding acquired makes it easier to determine the root cause or causes of issues we encounter.
The SOPK is a management framework that has four parts: (1) willingness to change the management style, (2) transforming the individual, (3) fully applying its principles to all interaction with other people and decision making, and (4) transforming the organization.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ponencia y taller en la Semana de la Cultura Laboral en Tlaxcala

Tuve el honor de ser invitado a dar la Presentación Magistral de Clausura de la Semana de la Cultura Laboral que se llevo a cabo en Tlaxcala, así como de dar un taller sobre Innovación de Valor el día 13 de Abril de 2011. Ambas tuvieron lugar en el auditorio del IMSS.

La presentación la atendió un auditorio lleno (con alrededor de 30 gentes de pie en los pasillos) consitente de industriales y oficiales de gobiernos de la region; maestros de enseñanza media y superior; y estudiantes de esos mismos niveles. El tema titulado "Entregando mayor valor a cliente y a la empresa mediante un enfoque moderno de calidad" lo presente bajo colaboración con la UNAM y con Esprial (empresa Española). La audiencia lo recibió con entusiasmo y parece ser que si logré tener impacto con toda la audiencia a pesar del reto que confronté debido a su diversidad. El tema incluyó innovación de valor, lean-agile, y Kanban.

Después de la ceremonia oficial de clausura se llevó a cabo el taller titulado "Mejorando la calidad mediante innovación colaborativa". La efectuamos el Mtro. Jorge Polo Contreras, el Mtro. Luis A. Nava, y yo. Efectuamos varias dinámicas para demostrar:
  • El beneficio de trabajar en equipo
  • El beneficio de la diversidad para llevar a cabo proyectos de manera mas exitosa
  • El beneficio de limitar el monto de trabajo en progreso
  • Las desventajas de efectuar múltiples tareas simultaneamente
  • La importancia de darle el valor adecuado al factor humano para el éxito de la realización de productos y de la prestación de servicios.
  • La ventaja de combinar pensamiento innovador con un ambiente que fomenta innovación y el contar con herramientas innovadoras que facilitan innovación.

Primer curso de Certificación en Gestión Lean-Agile de Proyectos en México

El primer curso de Certificación Lean-Agile de Proyectos en México se llevó a cabo del 4 al 6 de Abril de 2011 en la Colonia del Valle, Distrito Federal.

Un grupo de 9 personas atendieron el curso impartido por el Dr. Masa K Maeda.

El curso fué muy intenso y de alto calibre. Los participantes se divirtieron, fueron retados con los cambios de paradigmas y sobrevivieron la transformación ;-)

De izq a der: Dr. Masa Kevin Maeda, Ing. María Elizabeth Rivera Patiño, Ing. Marlon Torres Valle, Mtro. Ismael Villegas Ochoa, Mtro. José Manuel Muguiro Alvarez, Mtro. Luis Alonso Nava Fernández, Mtro. Marco Antonio Navarro Gutierrez, Ing. Maria Luisa Regato, Ing. Leonardo Mrak, Mtro. José de Jesús Hernández Suárez.


El mismo grupo tomó también un curso de Kanban el 7 y 8 de Abril.